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Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Valentine's Day

The most romantic and long-awaited holiday in the year, without any doubts is the Saint Valentine's Day. It do not matter to whom you will present your love, but the fact is that your heart is ready to jump from your body and fly far away to the sky. You can look at beautiful card that are selling at the stores, also watch over people who has already find their "second halfs", plus a lot of other things that makes you wonder and just enjoy this wonderful day.
We can also look at popular love heros, such as Romeo and Juilett, Rose and Jake ("Titanic"), Fiona and Shrek and so on....A lot of people just wonder to have relationships, particulary love, like them, but sometimes we forgot that every person is individual and it will be much more better if we create new character or type, so another people will tell: "I want to be like them".