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Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Early marriages

During a life at each person should be three purposes, which it should execute. At the beginning it is a choice of a vital way, and profession, creation of a new family and also to provide own children. Creation of family the most responsible choice, which is demands realizing of all importance of such step. But in the young age people cannot choose their road rightly.
According to statistics of 60 % of all marriages lead to divorces, and each fourth woman brings up children alone. Just as has shown social interrogation each third marriage, is marrying of young people in the age of from 17 up to 21 years. That proves immaturity and not comprehension of importance of creation of family.[1]
At teenage age the young men and the girls dream of ideal attitudes and create illusions in relation to marriage. In spite of the fact that the love is the most raised and magnificent feeling, at the wrong attitude to serious things, it can negatively affect a life of young people.
Psychologists of many countries, including the United States and England approve, that early marriages consist owing to two motives. The first is that teenagers, trying to escape from a former life, are covered in marriage. The second reason is immaturity and a sight at the world in " pink glasses ". As young people expressing themselves: "the marriage of convenience".[2]
In most cases early marriages, the young pairs, disappointed in home life, have the right to accuse only themselves. In a consequence, breaking mentality, come to an idea on divorce (what not the best way avoidance of a problem). Presently there are numerous consultations on home life where addresses millions young people annually.
Early marriages always mean partial, or full dependence on relatives as in most cases, young men pairs no an opportunity to provide themselves independently. Young people assume big responsibility creating their family. Basically they are students who have an opportunity to work partially, that presently do not give confidence of an opportunity to provide family enough. Unless is it not pleasant to live with confidence in the future and confidence that your family will be always in a prosperity! At early age it almost impossible.
The most tragic result of early marriages is upbringing children in the defective family. In fact it is a wound in heart of the child for all life. Anybody, except native parents cannot replace to the child that atmosphere of the present family. In a consequence these children cannot create the high-grade family, not knowing and not having felt, that means to have the present home.Having negative consequences, the percent of early marriages continues to grow with the big speed. Having analyzed a situation and having placed priorities, each person should make in the life that unique choice, being guided by experience of the senior generation and listening to the heart.
[1] http://www.rol.ru/news/med/news/06/09/12_002.htm
[2] http://www.medlinks.ru/article.php?sid=22304


How about corruption concept?
Almost each citizen of Kazakhstan country knows this concept. Where our generation slides? Around a deceit, gossips, and only money ruling. Where education and feeling of mutual aid has gone?
This question was always actual, but recently, became one of widespread. Our society slides in a greater rubbish pit, will get out whence very difficultly, or it will be impossible.
Where look, everywhere bribes, achievement of success, going on heads, and it is impossible to present itself as a person, without rich uncle. Our universities (if it is possible call them as university) have come to a limit. Professors already in opened ask a bribe, for a successful passing examinations. According to students’ words, it is a normal thing. Professors do not suffice for a life or it is just a simple law of a human essence, when even if you have, it always not enough that you have. What reason for study, receive a degree, when all can be got, having money?
Such disorder has begun rather recently. Before, in Kazakhstan there was one of the best educations, in all the USSR. But corruption first of all depends from a society. If there is a demand on corruption, also the supply will be accordingly. It is necessary to search for the reason of the disorder, first of all, in a society, than in yourself. In each of us the egoist thinking exclusively sits. But also there is one more quality which is inherent in all Kazakhstan people, naturally it is laziness. To struggle, from which it is little bit difficult, but it is possible.
Our state has already started to undertake some measures on elimination of corruption. But it will be insufficiently, for elimination of this huge problem. Students already, frankly speaking “have hammered” both for study, and for parent what to speak about the government. Nobody in forces to change they’re thinking. The belief, religion can affect only. In Kazakhstan not all things are bad, in fact each person has freedom, including freedom of belief.
Despite of all conditions in a life of the Kazakhstan society, the hope dies last. This is opinion, but everyone can be mistaken.

Friday, October 05, 2007

You can visit and register on http://www.facebook.com/ site and easily contact with people.

Что такое любовь

Любовь, любовь и еще раз любовь.
Разве не эта темв самая актульная в наше время. Причем это было так и будет навека. Любовь бывает разная и нельзя дать конкретное определение этому чувству. Часто мы в потоке чувст, эмоций, забываем, что любови свойственно прежде всего жертвенность. Чаще всего, мы ищем легкого пути и в первую очередь просим внимание себе от других людей, забывая давать.

Любовь перестает быть любовью, когда мы ищем выгоду в этих отношениях. Нет, любовь это самопожертвование ради другого человека. В случае еслт на вопрос: "Готов ли ты умереть за свою любовь", ты уверенно сможешь ответить "ДА". Это уже признак того, что ты действительно готов для отношений, а конкретно понять, что значит любить.
Человеку свойственно строить иллюзии, воображать и мечтать об идеале. Мы начинаем зкрывать глаза, но некоторый недостатки того или иного человека. Но нет, мы должны знать минусы и знать мало, мы должны их принимать. То есть помочь человеку стать лучше.
Понятие "идеал" - ошибочно. Ведь обойдя весь белый свет, вы не встретите такого человека, даже еслт на первый взгляд, вам это так покажется.
Забота, внимание, ласка, ободрение и многие другие свойства - это проявление любви, но ни как не любовь. Чтобы достичь настоящей любви, потребуется не мало времени. Но если вы скажете "любовь с первого взгляда", я скажу вам нет, ее не существует. Это скорее всего лишь короткая влюбленность. Ведь каждый человек имеет у себя в разуме некий идеал и где бы мы не находились мы ищем его. Увидев, что то вроде похожее, мы начинаем вооброжать и присматриваться.
Как я уже упоминала, для настоящего чувства требуется время.
Любовь не должна основываться на физических желаниях и побуждениях. Это лишь еще один маленький пункт, который входит в понятие ЛЮБОВЬ. Любовь, имеющая ошибочную основу, поздно или рано, разрушиться, так же как и дом, стоищийся на на не прочном фундаменте. Сравнивая любовь с процессом постройки дома, можно прийти к выводу, что так же нужен план, то есть здраый смысл, крепкая основа и своевременные этапы строительства.
Я сама лично не испытывала еще настоящего чувства любви, естественно не считая своих близких: родителей, подруг, родственников. По моему мнению самое лучшее определение любви дано лишь в Библии.

(1-е Коринфянам 13:4-8 )

4 Любовь долготерпит, милосердствует, любовь не завидует, любовь не превозносится, не гордится,
5. Не бесчинствует, не ищет своего, не раздражается, не мыслит зла,
6. Не радуется неправде, а сорадуется истине;
7. Все покрывает, всему верит, всего надеется, все переносит
8. Любовь никогда не перестает...

Friday, June 29, 2007

5 of July-5 Июля

Скоро мое день рождение. Этот день всегда был моим любимым, по причине того, что я люблю внимание. А в кокой еще день вы получите больше внимания, как не в этот. Если только в звездный час. Вот хотелось бы себя поздравить.

Недавно в Алмате прошла премьера фильма "Пираты Карибского моря 3". Да, я это сделала, посмотрев была очень удовлетворена. Ведь мой любимый актер Орландо блум играет в замечательном фильме. Буду ждать следующего фильма с его участием.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I love basketball

Казахстане баскетбол только начинает развиваться, но несмотря на это одной из ярких Азиатских команд является наша сборная, состоящая на 50 % из игроков "Тигров". Команда из города Астаны, взорвала представление о баскете. Все игроки, за исключением нескольких, явлеются студентами и просто обыкновенными парнями. Вот фото одного из них - Рустама Ергалиева.

Мои увлечения

Я человек исскуство, а точнее люблю петь, танцевать и осваивать новые нструменты. Иногда кажется все сразу, но это не мешает мне делать это отлично. Ежедневная практика и тяжелый труд, всегда будет оправдываться результатом.


Monday, April 23, 2007

Мои увлечения

Балет - это вечное исскуство, которое было и будет всегда. Когда смотришь на представление, это как целая жизнь, которую передают актеры. Не каждому дано понять это исскуство, но если понять его душой, то это на всю жизнь.

Балет зародился в Италии в эпоху Возрождения (XVI в.) вначале как объединённая единым действием или настроением танцевальная сценка, эпизод в музыкальном представлении, опере.

Я не могу жить без балета, хоть и редко его посещаю. Наш Казахстанский балет только начал развиваться, хотя и не уступает другим странам.

В Алмате существует лишь один театр оперы и балета: ГАТОБ им. Абая, который существует на протяжение многих лет.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

I find very interesting game, which helps you to develop your brane, so you can visit it. Just click on this link http://ru.hacktest.net/

One more site, but only in russian which call "danetka"

Take a care.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Valentine's Day

The most romantic and long-awaited holiday in the year, without any doubts is the Saint Valentine's Day. It do not matter to whom you will present your love, but the fact is that your heart is ready to jump from your body and fly far away to the sky. You can look at beautiful card that are selling at the stores, also watch over people who has already find their "second halfs", plus a lot of other things that makes you wonder and just enjoy this wonderful day.
We can also look at popular love heros, such as Romeo and Juilett, Rose and Jake ("Titanic"), Fiona and Shrek and so on....A lot of people just wonder to have relationships, particulary love, like them, but sometimes we forgot that every person is individual and it will be much more better if we create new character or type, so another people will tell: "I want to be like them".

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My little sister

Every person has close and dear people. And me is not an exception, so I have my little sister, who's name is Aliya. I love her so much. And isn't she sweet and pretty.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

My photoes

It is me and me friends

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Kazakhstan is the great country

I live in the most beautiful, green, great country as Kazakhstan. Everyone love own birth place, even if they told that it is not perfect. Yes, ofcourse there is no ideal place in the world, everywhere you can find defects. And little information about Kazakhstan.
Republic of Kazakhstan, is a country that stretches over a vast expanse of northern and central Eurasia. A small portion of its territory west of the Ural Riveris located in eastern-most Europe. It has borders with Russia, the People's Republic of China, and the Central Asian countries Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, and has a coastline on the Caspian Sea.Kazakhstan was a republic of the former Soviet Union and is now a member of the Commonwealth of Independent States.
There are a lot of another information, but I have limited space. And just want to shoe some pictures of our capital - Astana.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Introduse myself

I like to live!!!!!

So, I want to tell about my interests, my hobby and my life in general.
As I posted in previous post, I like gymnastic, because it were my life in the past, but I cannot achieve some results, so I can only admire with this girls

My favourite singers are James Blunt and Anggun. The song "You' re beautiful " conquered me, and once I told that if one of the guy sing it to me, I will married him. ~~ I think you will support me that this singer are great.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

This summer was great!!!!

This summer was great and special for me. I know that every year became better in my life and I love this life, I want to live with every second, helping people, take place in society, love and being loved (Любить и быть любимой.)
So this summer I were at Kyrgystan, lake Issyk Kul' with my friends and there is some photoes.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Dangerous facts

In my weblog I want to cover not only intertainments, but sirious things too.
Do you love children? I think the answer will be "yes, very much", so read next facts
Every year 210 000 000 women became pregnant, (very nice), but only in 10 persent child will see the sunshine. Huge number of abortions around the world happenes every minut. 5 Years ago I read the statictics that evety 1 second 10 babies born, nowadays this number changed and decrease to 2 babies. Isn't it sad!!!!! You can have this information on
www.statsoft.ru/home site. Even if children born they can die from another factors such as hunger, illness and a lot. Think about it!!! May be you cam help them.

Isn't it great!!!

As I told earlier my hobby was callisthenics. And ofcourse the famous russian sport girl is Alina Kabayeva, I like her very much, she is so talanted. Also our native gymnastics is Aliya Usupova. And I want to post some of Theirs pictures.

Friday, November 03, 2006

About me

Hello everyone who is on my website.
My name is Aizhan and I student of KIMEP (The Kazakhstan Institute of Management, Economics, and Strategic Research). I'm future journalist, my major in Mass Media. I like to communicate with people, to watch how and why peolpe do something, to find out interesting facts, to know more and more. I'm very curious person and I like to investigate cultures of other nations. As you can see at the picture I'm in kimono (Japaneese national dress), also I have different fotoes in differrent dresses such as Korean hanbok, Uigur, Tatar, Uzbek, and another.
Another my hobby is dancing, in the past I was indulge in sport - callisthenics. I's very hard and in the same time interesting.
So I have a lot of information about myself.
So take care